Chronic Bronchitis Testimonials
Persistent Cough and Bronchitis
Patient from Texas
Chronically I have had a very productive cough. After a cold, bronchitis would set in and never go away. I would cough from one cold to the next about 6 months apart. After putting up with a cough for about two years as it got more and more productive, I relented to having to get rid of it.
I searched for a remedy, fearing I might have COPD, and I ran across your treatment program and wanted to give a try. Tasted them (not unbearable for medicine) and swore I would not take them if they did not help. The first spoonfuls were helpful and I noticed a difference immediately. Before the bottles were gone, the cough was gone. The only time in my life that has happened. I was amazed. I finished the bottles for good measure. No cough until the next cold. I thought I would have to continue the treatment, but to my surprise, two weeks of bronchial coughing after the cold and the cough left. I still give credit to the treatment for the speedy recovery. I am so relieved to realize I don’t have a serious disease and that I know where the solution is if I get tired of coughing again for any reason in the future.*
* DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary.
Severe Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
Patient from New York
I am writing to thank you for giving me the opportunity to “get my life back”. I have been diagnosed with severe emphysema and chronic bronchitis. I have had to wear an oxygen mask 24 hours a day just to breathe. Because of my condition, I have been unable to work since 1999. As you can imagine, this has been very depressing; not being able to do much of anything other than stay home and be sick, gain weight, and get more and more unhealthy as time goes by. I have surely missed the quality of life that we, as “healthy” people seem to take for granted. But now, I have found new hope, and feel that I have the potential to get my life back! I have been using the treatment for 6 to 7 weeks now, and find that I am getting much relief from my condition. In fact, I felt a lot of relief within days-so much so that I had forgotten to turn the oxygen tank “on”, and didn’t realize it till about four hours later! If I get a little winded, I get my breath back quicker now too. I also find that I am able to sleep without using the oxygen for at least 2 to 4 hours a night. That might not sound like a big deal to some folks, but it sure has made a big difference in my life! I feel that as I get better, I will be able to “get my life back“, and be able to live like a normal person again. I so appreciate your products and what they’ve done for me–please tell others who may be in the same or similar situations to do this for themselves–use these natural treatment products, get back to being healthy and alive, and live!!*
* DISCLAIMER:Individual results may vary.
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